Gain deeper insight into your patients' heart health with Eko AI.
Enhance exams with real-time visualization to help identify abnormalities. Show patients what you’re hearing to engage them in their heart health.
Stream heart sounds through Bluetooth-enabled devices including most hearing aids, earbuds, or wired headphones.
Flag the presence of murmurs, AFib*, tachycardia, and bradycardia with support from Eko AI, gaining deeper insight into a patient's heart health to inform potential diagnoses. *CORE 500™ only
Record heart sounds and ECG to review with your patient during their visit, replay for a colleague or during charting, and store as an educational reference.
Build a secure file of recordings for every patient and review previous recordings to flag changes in their health over time.
Generate a PDF summary of a recording or exam with one tap. Share results seamlessly from a patient's profile, with an option to omit identifiable information.
Utilize the live waveform view as a visual teaching aid with students, patients, or colleagues, and play back body sound recordings as examples of different diagnoses.
Experience Eko AI with a 14-day trial.
Eko AI features in the software are intended for use by licensed healthcare professionals only. Activation of the membership which includes AI requires a valid National Practitioner Identifier (NPI) number, a valid prescription or order from a healthcare professional for use in professional practice as authorized by law, or confirmation of your status as a medical student in good standing with the institution in which you are enrolled.